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Food Rules is a collection of guidlines and principles for the average comsumer to consider when dealing with, buying, and thinking about what to eat in our modern society. It is a commentary on the food industry, presented as a reader friendly guide to navigating the confusion that has now become how we eat and interact with our food. Food Rules shows that culture and old wisdome might have more to say about eating healthy than science and corporations and perhaps we should start looking there first instead in our search for truth. The book's, and really Pollan's number one rule he has come up with in his life work for eating food is: eat food, mostly plants, not too much. The book is broken up into three parts that corespond to these three statments and subsequent related rules are in each section. Along with these rules there are Kalman's paintings which depict exaggerated fake food products and scenes of ridiculas eating habits as well as carefully articulated paintings of real food and scenes of how food should be thought of and enjoyed. 

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