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Other Assertions:  Each "rule" is also an assertion, they are all backed up by examples and visual representions. The book is basically a series of assertions meant to all emphasize one central assertion. The author is then hoping the reader will take some of these assertions as true and pick a few to follow even if all of them don't remain in the readers mind, there are enough of them and quite a variety of them that some will have to stick. Some of these assertions are basically the same concept but worded differently, again emphasizing that the Author wants you to remember a few of the central points he is trying to express. An example is " Stay out of the supermarkets" and "Buy your snacks at the farmer's market."


Allusion:  I view this as one of the most powerful rhetorical techniques ues by Pollan and Kalman in this book. The ode to the olden times and old saying and tales really brings a sense of comfort and ease to the reader. They cultivate this prolonged allusion throughout the entire book, basing even their central thesis around this idea. It is stated, "perhaps culture has more to say about healthy eating than science or corporation." 



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